10 Secret Habits of an Organized Mom: Easy Hacks for Busy Parents

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Organization is a learned skill. It’s not something that comes naturally to most people, and it takes time and effort to master. The good news is that the skills are simple, but they do require some commitment on your part. You can get organized in just 10 minutes a day – yes, even if you’re a busy mom! In this blog post, we’ll share 10 easy organization tips for moms.

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What Is Organization?

In general, it’s a method for managing your stuff, time, and plans. It not only makes the “work” we do more efficient, but it also works to reduce stress and allows us to accomplish tasks more efficiently. This means we have more free time to spend with friends and family. The opposite of organization is chaos – and who wants that?

RELATED: 14 Ways to Have a Happy, Healthy Family

Organizing Tips for a Tidy Home Video

Here’s a quick video from The Minimal Mom.

3 Benefits of Being Organized

Getting organized has a host of benefits, including:

1. Time Management

Organized people have more time to spend with friends and family. They can accomplish their tasks efficiently and quickly because they’ve set a system in place to handle the day-to-day. This allows them to relax instead of worrying about their lists of things to take care of.

RELATED: 50 Funny Motherhood Quotes To Make You Laugh Out Loud

2. Stress Reduction

Making the time to get organized leads to a reduction in stress. When we have a system that allows us to focus on just one task at a time, we can accomplish more and be less stressed out because life will run smoothly. Even if you simply organize your “to-do” list daily (ha, one of my favorite things to do), that one thing can have a big impact. The Princeton University Neuroscience Institute researchers discovered that being organized helps you focus.[*]

See our self-care tips for busy moms to learn more.

3. More Free Time

Organized people have more free time because they get their work done faster and easier. They actually have time to relax instead of worrying about what comes next on their lists. And this means you have more time for your hobbies, friends, or to take time for yourself!

organization tips for moms

10 Organization Tips for Moms

If you want to streamline your life and make things easier, it’s time to start working on getting organized. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be hard or require a lot of extra work. You can do some simple things that will have a big impact on your life. Here are some organization tips for moms to get you started:

1. Less is More

You don’t need a bunch of supplies in order to be organized. In fact, this can actually add more time and stress because it takes so much time to find things or put them away! Stick with basics like three-ring binders (one for each kid!) and standard folders to keep papers. You can always add more as needed, but you don’t want to have too many things because it will become overwhelming.

2. Keep It Simple

You need a system in place that works for your life – not the other way around. For example, if you have multiple kids and are busy all the time, it’s not practical to use a complicated filing system or try to do all of your planning on the computer. Make the space work for YOU – not against you! As my mom always said, “A place for everything and everything in its place.”

3. Start Small

If you want to get organized but don’t think you have the time or energy, start small. Just take 10 minutes every night before you go to be to pick up your house or clean out a junk drawer (you know the one). You can file papers, make notes on your calendar, do something with mail, whatever works for you. Even if it’s just 10 minutes a day of getting things in order, you will feel more relaxed knowing that everything is organized and the next step (or next few steps) are all laid out before you!

4. Work as a Team

When you have kids, life can get hectic. And it’s hard to keep up with everything and everyone on your own. Work as a team with your spouse or partner (if possible) to take some of the weight off each other and stay on top of things that need to be done regularly. Give your child age-appropriate responsibilities so they can learn how to organize their space. When everyone works together, things will run much more smoothly.

5. Use a Planner

If you have a busy calendar and need to keep track of lots of appointments, planners work really well! The key is to only put the important stuff in your planner – don’t add every single thing that comes across your desk. And get creative if you need to – make your own or try different planners.


Printable Planners and Calendars

If you’re looking for more organization tips for moms, be sure to check out our Thrive Berry Etsy shop for plenty of printable planners, journals, calendars, and more!

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Printable Monthly Calendar

5. Plan Meals Ahead of Time

A lot of people (especially moms!) struggle with figuring out what to make for dinner on a daily basis. It’s so much easier to plan ahead and know exactly what you need! Shop once or twice a week and stock up your kitchen so that you always have the ingredients on hand for healthy meals and snacks. Meal prep on the weekends can really help you save time during the week so you spend less time cooking and more time for the important things – like hanging out with your kids!

Check out these 20 fun snacks for kids!

6. Have Routines

Moms require routines. The fewer options you have to choose from, the better. You’ll have more leisure and mental energy on your hands, allowing you to accomplish things much faster. Children also thrive on routines and schedules because they can anticipate what comes next. This develops their organizational abilities, allowing them to accomplish things. And it helps them feel safe and secure.

7. Lay Out Clothes the Night Before

This is one of the most helpful hacks for busy moms. When you go to bed each night, lay out your child’s outfit for the next day (or let them help choose what to wear). If you want to be an extremely organized mom, lay out your own clothes as well!

8. Have a Daily Cleaning Routine

One of the best organizational tips for moms is to embrace a daily cleaning schedule. (Did I say that out loud?) Whether it’s doing the dishes or sweeping the floor, have a daily schedule for cleaning your house. It’s easier to do small tasks every day instead of one big clean once a week.

9. Declutter Your Home

Doing this is an easy way to stay organized and less stressed out! Once you’ve gone through clothes, toys, kitchen appliances, etc., throw out anything broken, unfashionable, or unhelpful. Get rid of clutter by donating clothes and toys to your local Goodwill or Salvation Army.

10. Clean Out Your Fridge Weekly

Okay, so maybe I’m not the best at this, but I sure try. A clean fridge makes it easier to see what you have and decide on meals more easily. Plus, it makes for a more pleasant environment to hang out in. Wash your fridge once a week and organize food using the FIFO method (first in, first out).

organization tips for moms / a woman writing

Don’t Compare Yourself to Other Moms

The bottom line is that organization isn’t about being perfect or doing everything “right.” It’s not always easy and sometimes it can be frustrating – especially when you’re trying to be super mom! And it can take a lot of time and effort. But the benefits are so worth it – less stress, more leisure time, and happier life overall. Enlist your family’s help as much as you can! Remember that “perfect” is not very realistic and it will only make things worse. Try to do the best you can and don’t compare yourself to other mothers.

Check out our post about positive self-talk to learn more!

And lastly, remember that kids are not born organized! It’s a skill they learn over time with the help of their parents/guardians. If your child is struggling with organization, try not to get angry or frustrated – it will only make things worse. Instead, take action and make the process easier on them!

And remember to check out our Etsy shop for planners, journals, calendars, and many more health and wellness printables!

Final Thoughts: Realistic Organization Tips

That’s it! 10 easy organization tips for moms. Implement these ideas right away to make your life easier. Or share this article with a friend or family member who could use some extra help staying organized. You’ve got this!

Check out our Thrive Berry Etsy shop for tons of printable planners, calendars, health and fitness trackers, and more!

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