The Benefits of Having a Routine: Your Mom Life Hack


Remember that day when you couldn’t find your toddler’s favorite toy, the laundry piled up, and dinner was a distant dream? We’ve all been there.

Having a routine can be your lifesaver, offering you a more organized and fulfilling mom life.

In this post, we’ll delve into the challenges of mom life, define what a routine is, explore the benefits of having a routine, and guide you on how to establish one.

But before we dive deeper into the benefits of having a routine, take a moment to watch this inspiring video on unlocking your true potential.

The Challenges of Mom Life

Being a mom is no walk in the park. It’s more like a marathon on a roller coaster. The ups, downs, twists, and turns can leave even the most resilient of us feeling winded.

So, what makes mom life so challenging? Let’s dive into some of the key hurdles.

Juggling Multiple Roles

Being a mom is like being a Swiss Army knife—you have to be versatile and ready for anything. One minute, you’re a caregiver, soothing a scraped knee or a broken heart. The next, you’re a partner, maintaining a relationship that often takes a backseat to parental duties.

Add to that your roles as a worker, chef, chauffeur, and personal assistant. Each role demands time, energy, and emotional investment, making it a Herculean task to find equilibrium.


Lack of Time

If you’ve ever wished for more hours in the day, you’re not alone. Time is a scarce resource for moms.

From the moment you wake up, you’re on the clock. There’s breakfast to make, kids to get ready for school, work commitments to fulfill, and a household to manage.

And let’s not forget the unexpected events that inevitably pop up, throwing a wrench into any semblance of a plan. The constant race against time can leave you feeling drained and defeated.

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Mental Load

Beyond the physical tasks lies the mental load—the invisible labor that keeps the family machine running smoothly.

This includes remembering doctor’s appointments, planning meals, keeping track of school events, and coordinating social activities. It’s like having a second job that you never clock out from.

This mental clutter can be exhausting and often goes unrecognized, adding another layer of stress to an already-packed life.

What Is a Routine?

If the challenges of mom life are the questions, then a routine is the answer sheet. It’s the tool that helps you navigate the labyrinth of responsibilities and roles.

But what exactly is a routine, and how does it differ from a schedule? Let’s delve into the details.

A routine is more than just a list of tasks. It’s your daily game plan. Think of it as a sequence of activities performed in a specific order, designed to streamline your day and make it more predictable.

Whether it’s the steps you follow to get the kids ready for school or the rituals that wind down your day, a routine provides a structure that can be incredibly freeing.

Types of Routines

Routines come in all shapes and sizes, tailored to fit the unique contours of your life. There are morning routines that help you start the day on the right foot, filled with activities like exercise, meditation, or journaling.

Evening wind-downs can include reading, skincare, or a cup of herbal tea to signal to your body that it’s time to relax.

Don’t forget about meal planning routines that take the guesswork out of what’s for dinner or cleaning routines that keep your living spaces manageable. The possibilities are endless, and the best part is you get to customize them to suit your needs.

Routine vs. Schedule

At first glance, a routine might seem like a schedule, but there’s a crucial difference: flexibility.

A schedule is a rigid timetable that dictates what you should be doing at every moment, leaving little room for the unexpected.

A routine, on the other hand, offers a structure that can bend. It allows you to adapt when life throws curveballs your way, whether it’s a sick child or an urgent work email. In essence, a routine gives you guidelines, not guardrails, making it a more forgiving and realistic approach to organizing your day.

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The Benefits of Having a Routine

Now that we’ve established what a routine is and how it differs from a schedule let’s explore the transformative benefits of having a routine can have on your life.

A well-crafted routine is like a magic wand that turns chaos into order, stress into serenity, and inefficiency into productivity. Here’s how:

Creates Structure

A routine is the scaffolding that holds up your day, providing a framework that makes life more predictable and manageable. Imagine not having to reinvent the wheel every morning, wondering what to tackle first.

With a routine, you have a blueprint that guides you, allowing you to navigate your day with a sense of purpose and direction. This structure is especially beneficial for children, who thrive on predictability and find comfort in knowing what to expect.

Reduces Stress

The beauty of a routine is that it takes the guesswork out of your day. When you know what comes next, it alleviates the anxiety of the unknown, reducing stress levels.

It’s like having a roadmap in a foreign city; even if you’ve never been there before, the path is laid out for you, making the journey less daunting. This mental clarity can be a game-changer in managing the complexities of mom life.

Increases Productivity

Efficiency is the name of the game when you have a routine. With a well-planned sequence of activities, you’re more likely to accomplish tasks in a timely manner. It eliminates the paralysis of choice, where you waste precious minutes—or even hours—deciding what to do next.

A routine acts as your personal productivity coach, nudging you from one task to the next helping you make the most of your day.

Fosters Family Bonding

One of the often-overlooked benefits of a routine is its impact on family dynamics. Shared routines, whether it’s a family dinner, a weekend outing, or a bedtime story, create opportunities for quality time.

These rituals become the glue that binds the family, fostering a sense of unity and belonging. It’s a win-win situation where everyone knows their role and expectations, making family life more harmonious.

How to Establish a Routine

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Convinced of the benefits of having a routine but unsure where to start? Establishing a routine may seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Think of it as building a house: you start with a strong foundation and add bricks one at a time.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you construct a routine that stands the test of time:

Assess Your Needs

The first step in creating a routine is understanding what you actually need. Take a moment to assess the unique requirements of your family. Are mornings the most chaotic part of your day? Do you struggle with meal planning?

Identify the areas that could benefit most from a structured routine. This self-assessment will serve as the blueprint for your new daily game plan.

Start Small

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither will your perfect routine. Start with one or two changes that can make a significant impact.

Maybe it’s setting a consistent bedtime or planning meals for the week every Sunday. Implement these small changes and give them time to become habits. Once they’re firmly established, you can add more elements to your routine.

Make it a Family Affair

A routine isn’t just a personal endeavor; it’s a family project. Involve your partner and kids in the process.

Discuss what works and what doesn’t, and be open to their suggestions.

This collective approach not only makes the routine more effective but also fosters a sense of ownership among family members, making them more likely to stick to it.

Adjust and Adapt

Life is unpredictable. New challenges will arise, and your routine should be flexible enough to accommodate these changes.

Whether it’s a change in work schedule, a new school year, or an unexpected family event, be prepared to adjust and adapt your routine as needed. The key is to view your routine as a living, breathing entity that evolves with you.

Real-Life Examples of Routine

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The best way to understand the power of a routine is to see it in action.

Let’s take a closer look at how a well-structured routine can transform an ordinary day into a smooth, fulfilling experience.

A Day in the Life

Morning (7:00 AM – 9:00 AM):
Jen’s day begins with a morning routine designed for maximum efficiency and positivity. It starts with a quick yoga session to wake up the body and mind, followed by a hearty breakfast prepared the night before.

This ensures that the family starts the day nourished and energized.

Late Morning (9:00 AM – 12:00 PM):
After dropping the kids off at school, Jen focuses on her work.

Her routine includes setting specific goals for the day, utilizing time management techniques, and taking short breaks for a quick walk or stretching to maintain productivity and reduce stress.

Lunch (12:00 PM – 1:00 PM):
Lunchtime is a break for the entire family to regroup.

They gather for a homemade meal, fostering connections and creating lasting memories.

Afternoon (1:00 PM – 4:00 PM):
The afternoon routine involves focused work for Jen, followed by a structured study and playtime for the kids after school.

Each family member knows what’s expected during this time, reducing chaos and misunderstandings.

Evening (4:00 PM – 7:00 PM):
Evenings are reserved for family activities and relaxation.

They have a routine of outdoor play, dinner preparation, and quality time spent together. It’s a time to bond and unwind from the day’s demands.

Bedtime (7:00 PM – 8:00 PM):
The bedtime routine is a well-oiled machine. It includes a warm bath, bedtime stories, and a calming meditation session.

This prepares both kids and parents for a peaceful night’s sleep.

This “Day in the Life” example illustrates how a routine can structure a day, ensuring that important tasks are completed and quality time is spent with loved ones.

It’s a testament to the power of routines in creating a more balanced and fulfilling family life.

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Final Thoughts: Encouragement To Embrace a Regular Schedule

Moms, implementing a routine can be your secret weapon. It’s not about adding more to your plate but rearranging it to make life more manageable.

Remember, routines don’t need to be perfect from day one. Start small, be patient with yourself, and adapt as needed.

A routine needs to be flexible, making room for the things that truly matter, like family, self-care, and personal growth.

It’s about reclaiming your time and reducing the mental load.

So, I encourage you, fellow moms, to take the leap. Try implementing a routine that suits your family’s needs.

Embrace the benefits it brings, and watch as it transforms your mom life from chaos to calm, from stress to serenity.

Have you already embraced a routine? Do you have tips, success stories, or insights to share? I’d love to hear from you! Please leave your thoughts in the comments below. Your experiences can inspire and empower other moms on their journey to a more organized and fulfilling life.


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