How To Be an Organized Mom – A Step-by-Step Guide

How to be an organized mom

Being an organized mom is a journey, not a destination. It doesn’t have to be picture-perfect, but it will bring you joy and peace. With that in mind, here are helpful habits of organized moms that can guide you on your path to becoming an organized mom.

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How to be an organized mom

Organized Mom Method YouTube Video

Here’s a quick video from That Awkward Mom about the Organized Mom Method, a step-by-step approach to becoming an organized mom:

Organizing at Home

Organizing at home is one of the most important aspects of being an organized mom. It can seem overwhelming, especially when dealing with kids and their many toys and activities.

However, achieving organization in your home is possible if you start small and take it step by step. Here are some tips to get started:

  • Create a list of weekly tasks that need to be done around the house, such as cleaning and tidying up. Then, establish a routine for yourself so that these tasks become part of your daily life.
  • Break large tasks into smaller ones so they don’t seem so daunting. For example, instead of cleaning the entire house in one day, break it up into rooms or areas.
  • Use labels and bins to keep track of items in each room or space. This makes it easier for everyone in the family to find what they need without searching through piles of stuff!
  • Donate items or clothing that no longer fit or are no longer needed. This will help reduce clutter while also freeing up valuable storage space!
  • Have designated places for items like keys, wallets, backpacks, etc., so they don’t get lost or misplaced easily.
  • Utilize vertical storage solutions (e.g., shelves) to maximize space and make better use of limited square footage!
  • Take time each week/month/year to go through closets/cabinets/drawers and purge anything that is no longer needed/wanted/loved!
  • Involve your family members in organizing efforts – this helps foster teamwork and encourages everyone to take ownership of their belongings!

Habits Of Organized Moms

An organized mom develops habits over time to help her stay on top of things without getting overwhelmed by the chaos that can come with motherhood.

Here are some habits every organized mom may consider developing:

Make lists.

Writing down everything keeps us from forgetting important tasks or details. Making lists also helps prioritize what needs to be done first!


Schedule regular family meetings.

Set aside a few minutes each week for everyone to review upcoming events/activities. This will ensure nothing slips through the cracks!

Keep digital calendars up-to-date.

Digital calendars make it easy for everyone in the household to know what’s happening when. Sync them across devices for maximum efficiency!

Delegate & outsource when possible.

Don’t try to do everything yourself; delegate tasks (within reason!) among family members or hire someone else to do them if necessary – it will save you time & energy!

Take breaks & have fun.

Scheduling time off from organizing duties is just as important as scheduling time on them. Taking breaks helps prevent burnout & allows us all to enjoy life more fully!

Celebrate small victories.

Remembering our successes (even small ones!) helps motivate us & build confidence in our organizational abilities; celebrate often & acknowledge progress regularly!

How To Organize Your Life in 5 Minutes a Day

Only have a few minutes? No problem! Here are some tips for how to organize your life in just a few minutes each day:

  • Set a timer for 5 to 10 minutes and use this time to tackle one or two small tasks, such as clearing a pile of clutter from your desk or straightening up a room.
  • Create an ongoing list of quick and easy tasks you can do whenever you have a few spare minutes, like folding laundry or doing the dishes after dinner.
  • Use digital tools like calendars and to-do lists to keep your life organized and make it easier to get things done quickly.
  • Invest in storage solutions like bins, baskets, or shelving units that help you organize your home in a way that makes sense for how you live and work.
  • Find ways to simplify other aspects of your daily routine, such as how you grocery shop, how you prepare meals, or how you run errands.

With a little time and effort, it’s easier than ever to stay organized and have the life you want!

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Final Thoughts for Busy Moms- How To Get Organized at Home

Organization isn’t about perfection—it’s about progress. By taking it step by step and focusing on consistent habits like those listed above, any mom can become an organized mom. One who enjoys more peace and less stress as you navigate your way through motherhood with grace and purposeful intentionality.

So let’s get started today. Put yourself first (for once!) as you strive towards becoming the best version of yourself—an organized mom who succeeds inside and outside her home environment! You’ve got this!


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