14 Ways to Have a Happy, Healthy Family

how to have a happy family

When it comes to happiness, there are few things more important than the health of your family. A happy, healthy family is one where everyone communicates well, eats meals together, and spends quality time with each other. If you put in the effort to make these things happen each day – not just on weekends or holidays – then you have a good chance at making your dreams for a happy family come true. Here are 14 ways to have a happy, healthy family.

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What Is a Happy Family to You?

Everyone has a slightly different definition of what a happy family is. For some, it might be a big, boisterous group that spends Sundays together playing games and watching football. For others, it might be a small unit that enjoys quiet evenings reading books and talking about their day.

No matter what your definition of happiness is, though, there are some key ingredients to having a healthy, happy family.

The Secret to a Happy Family Video

Check out this interesting (and touching) video from The Science of Happiness and learn all about what really makes a happy family.

The Secret to a Happy Family
how to have a happy family

Why Is It Important To Have a Happy, Healthy Family

Maintaining a healthy family life is important for both children and adults. Kids who grow up in a healthy family environment are more likely to have successful relationships as adults. They’re also more likely to be emotionally and mentally healthy, have high self-esteem, and be successful in school.

Parents who have a strong, supportive family life tend to be happier and healthier as well. They’re more likely to be active in their community, have satisfying careers and relationships, and live longer than people who don’t prioritize their families.

RELATED: Feeling Overwhelmed With Parenting? Here Are 8 Quick Tips

How Do You Define Happiness and How Does That Affect Your Family Life

Many have different definitions of what makes a family happy. Some think that it is being loud and boisterous, while others enjoy being quiet at dinner time. However, regardless of which definition people have, certain key necessities are the foundation for creating a healthy family life. Learning why maintaining a healthy family life is important will help reinforce these ideas.

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How To Have a Happy Family Life

1. Eat Dinner Together Often

Eating dinner together as a family is an important staple in having a happy, healthy family. There are several reasons for this:

  • It gives your entire family the opportunity to bond over a conversation at meals rather than be distracted by cell phones or TV.
  • It helps parents keep an eye on what their kids are eating – and hopefully encourages them to make healthier choices.
  • Kids gain a sense of belonging and importance in the family.

Check out these fun snacks for kids!

Printable Meal Planner

Be sure to check out our Printable Weekly Meal Planner to help you stay on track with your healthy eating plan!

Tracking your meal plan for the week has several advantages:

  • Less stress because you know what you will be making for dinner
  • Saves time and money by only purchasing exactly what you need
  • Helps you keep your healthy eating plan on track so that you don’t veer off and eat junk food
  • Creates a habit of eating at home with your family and not going out to expensive restaurants so often which saves money

To see the Meal Planner printable, as well as affordable health and fitness trackers, calendars, journals, and other items to help you stay organized and healthy, go to our Thrive Berry Etsy shop.

weekly meal planner printable
Printable Weekly Meal Planner Journal

2. Give Kids a Voice

Giving kids a voice in family decisions helps them feel important and like they have a stake in the family. This can be as simple as letting them choose what to have for dinner one night or asking their opinion on something important.

3. Spend Quality Time Together

Quality time doesn’t always have to mean going on big trips or doing activities the entire family will enjoy. It can also be doing simple things together, like playing catch or watching a movie.


4. Communicate Well With Each Other

When everyone feels comfortable talking to each other about what they’re thinking and feeling, it helps create a secure environment where everyone trusts one another. This is a big part of having a happy family!

5. Do Things as a Family

When families come together to do things, it creates a stronger bond and makes the whole family happier. It can be going to church or going on a hike – anything that gives your family an opportunity to spend time together outside of daily life is ideal.

6. Play Together as a Family

Playing together as a family is a great way to bond and have some laughs. It can be anything from playing tag to going to an amusement park. The important thing is that everyone is included and has fun.

kids playing outside
Credit: @monarchstudioboston

7. Let Kids Be Kids

One of the best things about having a happy family is that kids get to be kids! They don’t have to worry about grown-up things, they can just enjoy being silly and laughing.

8. Respect Each Other’s Opinions

When everyone in the family respects each other’s opinions, it creates an atmosphere of mutual understanding. This is especially important when there are disagreements – handling them respectfully helps keep the family unit strong.

9. Have a Strong Support System Outside of Your Family

Having a support system outside of your family can help take some pressure off and give everyone more time to focus on other things. It could be friends, neighbors, or another family that helps out with babysitting and other chores so you can all spend more time doing things you enjoy.

10. Participate in School Activities Together

The entire family can get involved in school activities. Whether it’s working on the school play or volunteering at a school event, getting everyone to take part will help you all feel closer and more connected.

11. Spend Quality Time With Each Family Member

One of the most important things for having a happy family is spending quality time with each family member. Spending time together helps strengthen the bond between each family member, making everyone feel closer and more loved

12. Schedule Date Nights Regularly

Having date nights is a great way to escape the daily hustle and bustle of life and spend some time having fun with each other — away from the kids. Even if it’s just once a month, date night will help parents feel more connected

13. Establish Routines

Establishing routines for everything from dinner time to bedtime can help your family feel more secure. It also helps kids know what to expect every day, which can be good for their development.

One of the best ways to stay organized and establish routines is by using a printable chore chart like this one I created. Simply click on the image to see the daily chart in my Etsy shop.

printable chore chart

14. Don’t Allow Toxic Behaviors

When there’s negativity in the home, it can be harmful to everyone’s wellbeing. It’s important to have rules in place about how family members should treat each other and enforce them consistently.

Practice positive self-talk and show kindness to others.

The Importance of Communication in the Home

Communication is one of the most important aspects of any relationship, and this is especially true when it comes to family. Families that communicate well are typically happier (not perfect, but happier) and more cohesive than those that do not.

Benefits of Good Communication for Families

There are many benefits to communication within the home, including:

  • A better understanding of each other’s feelings and needs
  • Improved relationships
  • Increased trust and intimacy
  • Resolution of conflicts
  • Enhanced emotional stability
  • Improved parenting skills

How To Communicate With Your Family

So how can you help your family communicate well? Here are some tips:

  • Make time for regular conversations, both during meals and at other times.
  • Be open and honest with each other, and don’t be afraid to express your feelings in an appropriate way. We like to use the following formula: “I feel _____ when _____. I need _______.”
  • Listen attentively when others are talking.
  • Make family communication a priority. Don’t let distractions, such as television or cell phones, get in the way of conversations.
  • Go to each other for advice and support. This is especially important when you are going through a difficult time or dealing with a stressful issue.
  • Don’t criticize each other in front of your children – or anyone else for that matter.
  • Resolve conflicts in a constructive manner.

Ways To Spend Quality Time With One Another

One of the best ways to maintain a strong, healthy family is to spend quality time together. This doesn’t mean that you have to do big, expensive things – in fact, sometimes the simplest activities can be the most enjoyable. Here are some ideas for spending quality time with your loved ones:

  • Take a family walk or go for a bike ride.
  • Play games together (board games, tag, etc.).
  • Watch a movie or read a story together.
  • Cook dinner or bake cookies together.
  • Visit a nearby park or playground.
  • Plant a garden together.
  • Play catch, hopscotch, or other outdoor games.
  • Attend a cultural event or visit a museum.
  • Have a picnic lunch in your backyard.

Cooking at Home With Raddish Kids

When my children were little, I used to enjoy making meals with them. They can all cook now, and spend quality time with family and friends preparing healthy meals. We always had a fantastic time in the kitchen, and it was also an excellent learning experience!

Raddish Kids offers an at-home cooking class for kids. Raddish Kids is a fun and educational children’s subscription service that allows parents to create positive memories with their kids.

Check out Raddish Kids and get a free apron now!

ways to build a happy family

Final Thoughts – 14 Ways to Build a Happy Family

Happiness is a universal goal that can be found in every culture around the world. People are generally interested in exploring what constitutes a happy family. Regardless of the language, people have certain similarities when it comes to what makes a happy family life including setting aside time for each other, communicating well with each other, playing together, and giving kids a voice.

While every family is different, it’s helpful to remember that these similarities are the foundation for having a happy family life no matter where you are from.

Can you think of other ways to have a happy family life that weren’t mentioned in this article? Let me know in the comments below!


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