100+ Preschool Books Your Child Is Going to Love

preschool books list

One of the greatest things you can do for your child is read to them. It’s a wonderful habit to begin reading to your child from birth since it lays the groundwork for intellectual growth at a young age. Reading also helps young children to develop their social skills and vocabulary, as well as foster creativity and imagination. In this blog post, I’ll provide you with our complete list of preschool books, which includes more than 100 popular and classic children’s books your youngster will undoubtedly enjoy!

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preschool book list

Reading Aloud to Your Child

As a mom to 4, former early childhood teacher, and daughter, and granddaughter of teachers, we’ve always had tons of books. Books we bought and books from the library. Maybe you can relate?

From a young age, I dreamt of being an author and loved (when I was in junior high) when my mom would drop me off at the library to read when she ran her errands.

When our kids were little I read to them all the time. It was one of our favorite things to do! Each child requested that I read their personal favorite books over and again.

It was a lot of fun to share the love of reading (and snuggle time!) with them from the moment they were born.

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Benefits of Reading to Your Child

Reading aloud has many benefits for preschoolers, including:

  • Helping them learn the sound of words and how to spell
  • Teaching them about punctuation and how to use it
  • Expanding their vocabulary
  • Improving their memory skills, concentration abilities, and ability to follow directions
  • Boosting their confidence by showing that the adults in their value what they say or do
  • Building a strong bond between parent and preschooler
  • Developing letter recognition

And books can also help children develop important social skills like:

  • Sharing
  • Taking turns
  • Listening or talking
  • Following rules for playing games together

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Preschool Books List – 100+ Books for Kids

We have sooo many favorite books that it was hard to narrow down the list, but I finally stopped somewhere around 100. I hope you love this list of children’s books – including paperbacks, hardbacks, board books, and book sets!

To see more information about each book, simply click on the pictures.

Final Word – List of Books for Preschoolers

Reading aloud to preschoolers has many benefits, which can include developing important social skills like sharing and taking turns. When reading together, parents and children create a deep connection!

If you want your preschooler to enjoy books or if you’re looking for new ones to add to your collection, check out our list of more than 100 books that are sure to interest both preschoolers, teachers, and parents alike.

Reading is a keystone habit of successful people – so enjoy these special moments of reading with your child because they really do grow up quickly!

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For more literacy ideas, check out these 17 Letters of the Week Activities for Preschoolers: Fun Ways to Learn Letters.

What are your child’s favorite books? Any tips on reading with your kids? Share below!


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